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Certificates & Degrees
Degree List
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BYU-Pathway Worldwide provides access to online certificates and degrees in association with BYU-Idaho and Ensign College.

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  • Certificate
  • Associate
  • Bachelor's

Certificate (14-15 credit hours)

Steps to a Degree - Step 1 - First Certificate

Every degree program starts with a certificate. A certificate can be completed in one year or less, and every course builds into a degree.

This certificate-first approach...

  • allows you to build a customized degree program
  • provides you with marketable skills early-on in your degree-seeking process
  • helps you improve employment faster
  • increases your chances of completing a bachelor's degree

View Available Certificates


Associate Degree (60 credit hours)

Steps to a Degree - Step 2 - Associate's Degree

Associate degrees are made up of two certificates, plus general and religious education courses. And just like certificates, associate degrees build into a bachelor's degree.

View Associate Degrees


Bachelor's Degree (90–96 credit hours)

Steps to a Degree - Step 3 - Bachelor's Degree

Our three-year bachelor's degrees are made up of three certificates, plus general courses. These degrees may help you progress within your career and earn additional income.

In addition, courses taken as part of certificates and an associate degree count toward bachelor's degrees.

View Bachelor's Degrees

Make a plan

Through research, BYU-Pathway has found that certain combinations of certificates lead to better job opportunities. Find the recommended plan for your degree!

What if I have transfer credit? Do I still have to start with a certificate?
Your previous credits might transfer as elective credits, which still count toward your eventual bachelor’s degree. If you have previous credits that have a direct equivalent to a required certificate course, you likely won’t need to take that certificate course. If this is your situation, please contact BYU-Pathway Support once you’ve applied and been admitted.
How long does it take to complete a certificate program?
Certificates are 12-15 credits and can be completed in one year or less. Every course in a certificate builds directly into an associate and bachelor’s degree.
Will it take longer or cost more for me to get certificates?
No. Certificates are a more efficient, streamlined approach to obtaining a bachelor’s degree. All certificate courses count toward a bachelor’s degree.