Career Services

BYU-Pathway’s Career Center can help you prepare for and find a job, network, and get you on a path to a great career.

  • Find a Job
  • Make Connections
  • Join a Group
  • Resources
Find a Job

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Find a Job

Whether you’re looking for a job while also earning your degree or looking for employment after graduation, we have resources to help you.

I'm still enrolled
We coordinate with employers and staffing agencies to offer three tiers of jobs to currently enrolled students. (BYU-Pathway does not employ or hire students.)

Tier 1 Jobs

Tier 1 jobs are being piloted on a limited basis. These jobs require only basic skills, and no previous work experience is needed.

  • Be enrolled in PathwayConnect
  • Live outside the USA or Canada (during the pilot phase)
  • Must currently be receiving a 50% Heber J. Grant Tuition Discount
  • Be age 18+
  • Willing to work remotely
  • Have a smartphone with internet access (laptop is preferred)

  • Companies typically pay close to local minimum wage
  • Wages are determined by the companies hiring for the jobs, not BYU-Pathway Worldwide

Tier 2 & 3 Jobs

Tier 2 & 3 jobs are being piloted on a limited basis. These jobs require intermediate to advanced skills. When Tier 2 & 3 jobs come available, an email will be sent to students with a link to apply.

  • Be enrolled in an online degree program at BYU-Idaho or Ensign College, facilitated by BYU-Pathway Worldwide 
  • Live outside the USA or Canada (during the pilot phase) 

  • Tier 2 & 3 jobs typically increase in pay, with the goal of getting students to a living wage 
  • Wages are determined by the companies hiring for the jobs, not BYU-Pathway Worldwide 

Apply for Tier 1 Jobs
Thank you for your interest in a Tier 1 job. You will be directed to a tool where you can fill out a Work-study profile and apply for jobs. Availability is limited.

If you are signed in to the tool and meet the eligibility requirements, you will see a "Work-study Jobs" button in the Popular Topics menu. Click there to get started. If you believe that you meet the eligibility requirements and do not see the "Work-study Jobs" button, please reach out to your mentor for guidance.

Continue to Apply
Sign Up for Job Alerts
Get notified when jobs become available in your area with an employer seeking to hire BYU-Pathway students. Job-alert groups are via WhatsApp. Select your area below to request to join.





I have graduated / I am graduating
There are many resources available for finding jobs after graduation. Select the links below to get started, and pursue other resources in your area.

Sign Up for Job Alerts
Get notified when jobs become available in your area with an employer seeking to hire BYU-Pathway students. Job-alert groups are via WhatsApp. Select your area below to request to join.






    Make Connections

    A student using the LinkedIn website on their laptop

    Make Connections

    Network with other BYU-Pathway students and alumni. You can search for people by degree, country, company name, and more.

    Network via LinkedIn   LinkedIn Tips

    Join a Group

    Group of BYU-Pathway students in Nigeria stand together, smiling

    Join a Group

    Connect with fellow students by joining a group based on the area of the world you live in.

    Join a Group

    Two men smile and shake hands with eachother in an office


    Get tips for writing resumes, cover letters, setting up a LinkedIn profile, and more.

    Connecting you to better jobs

    In 2023, BYU-Pathway Worldwide connected more than 3,000 students to remote jobs. Through our unique certificate-first approach and distinctive resources (including social impact staffing companies), BYU-Pathway students are able to get better paying jobs, increase their self-reliance, and spend more time with their families.