Time Out for Women
Smiling family of four

Marly Rojas Zapata

“I’ve enhanced my personal, professional, and educational skills thanks to BYU-Pathway.”

The Path God Prepared

"In 2020 I lived in Lima, Peru where I started to work on my English because I wanted to enroll in a Canadian college. I had heard of BYU-Pathway before, but I didn’t understand how it worked. I joined thinking I could just use it to practice English, but since the first gathering, I fell in love with the program.

Even though attending Canadian college was one of my dreams, I realized that BYU-Pathway was the way that Heavenly Father prepared for me to obtain higher education. Now that I started a Project Management Certificate at Ensign College, I see the blessings. This program made me a better disciple of Jesus and helped me strengthen my faith and self-confidence.

Thanks to BYU-Pathway, I've met incredible people, and I've had the opportunity to serve and teach one another. I want to encourage those reading this post to pursue an educational and spiritual path to move toward a better future. It is how we will change the world."

Woman standing and smiling

Alisa Nielson Webster

“I am so grateful now to finally have a degree — at age 51! I feel more confident and capable, and my love for the gospel of Jesus Christ has grown.”

My Grandpa Would be Proud

“I grew up hearing stories about my great-great-grandfather, Jacob Spori, who started the school that eventually became BYU-Idaho. I remember the first time I read his quote, ‘The seeds we’re planting today will grow and become mighty oaks, and their branches will run all over the earth.’

I can see how the branches of the mighty oak literally run all over the earth through BYU-Pathway Worldwide. As a BYU-Pathway student, I had classmates from England, Australia, Africa, South America, and all over the United States.

I am so grateful now to finally have a degree — at age 51! I learned so much and grew in ways I didn’t expect. I feel more confident and capable, and my love for my Heavenly Father and the gospel of Jesus Christ has grown. I hope to do justice to the blessings I have been given by using my degree in family history research to bless the lives of others in meaningful ways and further God’s work of salvation.”

Young woman wearing glasses smiling

Nahida Carrano

“I loved my BYU-Pathway experience — it helped me change for the better and it gave me what I was looking for.”

Hope After A Mission

"BYU-Pathway changed my life. I came back earlier from my mission in 2019 and I felt lost. I didn’t want to study at a university and I wasn’t satisfied with my job. There was no solution for me: I was anxious.

In December of that year, I found out about BYU-Pathway. I changed my mindset during my first semester and not only finished PathwayConnect, but also decided I wanted to continue pursuing a degree. I am happy to say that this winter I will receive my first certificate — one of more to come.

I feel satisfied with my courses, and I love them. I loved my BYU-Pathway experiences, it helped me change for the better and it gave me what I was looking for in that period of my life.I will forever be grateful for this wonderful program and experience."

Man standing with woman who is wearing cap and gown and holding diploma

Jennifer Russell Whittaker

“The opportunities that BYU-Pathway offered me and others are no less than life-changing.”

A 22-year Dream Come True

“Through BYU-Pathway, I fulfilled a 22 year dream in the making. I started my college experience many years ago at the University of Utah. I took some time to have my wonderful children and stay home and raise them. Thanks to BYU-Pathway, I was able to graduate with my bachelors degree and a second certificate!

The takeaway: never give up on your dreams! With enough perseverance, endurance, and faith — you can do anything. Thanks to all the ward members, friends, and family that cheered me on when I didn’t know if I could keep going.”

Young woman standing with arms outstretched

Ezinne Ogundele

“BYU-Pathway is a blessing and teaches eternal values about financial, professional, and leadership skills.”

Going Beyond A Degree

"Education has always been one of my priorities in life. After my first degree in Food Science and Technology, I asked myself, what next? Then I heard about BYU-Pathway Worldwide, which allowed me to progress spiritually and academically while taking care of my business and family.

"I completed PathwayConnect a year ago and started attending BYU-Idaho to earn some certificates while working toward my second degree. This journey wasn’t easy, but my determination and goals kept me going. I’m grateful for the love and support shown by family and friends. BYU-Pathway Worldwide is a blessing and teaches eternal values about financial and professional life and leadership skills."

Young woman smiling

Dansoa Tumdanso

“With the help of the instructors, online learning became easy and enjoyable. I loved it!”

The Greatest Opportunity

“In a world where education is hard to come by, BYU-Pathway is the best opportunity we can get. After everything that I have gone through in my life, I never thought I could have the chance to learn and get a college degree.

BYU-Pathway gave me the direction and the focus I need in my life. It's the greatest! With the help of other students and the instructors, it becomes easier and more enjoyable each week. I loved my time as a student.”