A member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico smiling at camera.
A member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico smiling at camera.
Current & Returning Students
Three-Year Degree Information
> ... Three-Year Degree - Current/Returning Student Info

Through BYU-Pathway Worldwide, BYU-Idaho and Ensign College offer optimized three-year bachelor's degrees. The 90–96 credit degrees saves students time and money by removing elective credit requirements.

As a current or returning BYU-Pathway student, you could benefit from this new degree structure! *
Students who are close to finishing their degree or have completed many elective credits/have transfer credits may not benefit from the shorter degree structure. Please speak with your peer mentor about your specific situation.
Your mentor should have reached out to help you consider your options.

It may be helpful to review your degree audit. To do so, sign in to your BYU-Pathway portal, then select “Degree Audit” under “Academic Planning.”

The reception desk of the BYU-Pathway Worldwide office located in Salt Lake City, Utah.

U.S. Federal Aid Update

As a note, all degree programs serviced by BYU-Pathway Worldwide will no longer be eligible for U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants beginning April 2024. If you are citizen of the United States and are receiving or may be eligible for U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants, you have a few options:

Remain with BYU-Pathway as your service provider
You can switch to the new degree structure, or remain on your current plan. You won’t receive loans or Pell Grants, but there may be other aid available to you.
Switch your provider to BYU-Idaho or Ensign College
You will remain in the same degree program and continue to receive U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants. If you completed PathwayConnect, you will keep your reduced tuition rate, but you will no longer receive other tuition discounts provided by BYU-Pathway.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of a three-year degree?
BYU-Pathway makes higher education more accessible and achievable for everyone. In addition to the many benefits of the BYU-Pathway experience, the three-year bachelor's degrees also:
  • Save time: Earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution one year ahead of schedule. 
  • Save money: Receive the same quality education and save 25% on total tuition costs.  
  • Let you start your career sooner: Finishing your degree sooner will let you start—or upgrade—your career even faster.
Is a three-year bachelor's degree just as good as a four-year bachelor's degree? Will my employer value it?
Yes! The new three-year bachelor's degrees keep all required major and general education courses while removing elective credits. You’ll gain all the same skills employers value while cutting down your time to graduation.
What degrees will be available?
All degree programs serviced by BYU-Pathway Worldwide will be offered in the three-year degree structure beginning Spring Semester 2024 (Apr–July).
I am already a student. Can I get a degree in three years?
All current online degree-seeking students will be able to switch to the three-year bachelor’s degrees beginning Spring Semester 2024 (Apr–July).
Is the three-year degree a good fit for me?
Most students will benefit from switching to the three-year degree structure, but they should carefully consider their current progress and educational goals. Students who are close to finishing their degree, have completed many elective credits, or have transfer credits from another university may not benefit from the shorter degree structure.
Who should I contact to discuss my options?
Students serviced by BYU-Pathway
Our agents who specialize in the three-year degrees can help! Open the chat bot in your student portal. Under "Popular Topics," click "Support Requests" then "Submit a New Request" to discuss your options and questions.

Students serviced by BYU-Idaho
If you have questions about switching to this degree, please reach out to Advising at
Who is my service provider?
You can check your service provider by looking at your student portal. If you log in at, your service provider is BYU-Pathway Worldwide. If you log in at, your service provider is BYU-Idaho. All online degree-seeking Ensign College students are serviced by BYU-Pathway. The certificates and degrees are offered through BYU-Idaho and Ensign College.
I already have 90 credits, can I graduate now?
The three-year bachelor’s degrees still meet the same academic outcomes as the current degrees. However, your earned credits may not fulfill all of the requirements in the new degree structure. Additionally, you will need to complete the residency credit, upper-division credit, minimum grade point average, and other graduation requirements.
What tuition discounts do I qualify for?
Tuition discounts
All BYU-Pathway students are eligible to receive a tuition discount! The tuition discount amount or scholarship varies based on a student's needs and enrollment status. Please visit our Tuition Discount page for details.

U.S. Financial Aid
All degree programs serviced by BYU-Pathway will no longer be eligible for U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants beginning Spring Semester 2024 (Apr.–July). If you are citizen of the United States and are receiving or may be eligible for U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants, you have a few options:
  • Remain with BYU-Pathway as your service provider. You can switch to the new degree structure, or remain on your current plan. You won’t receive U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants, but there may be other aid available to you.
  • Switch your provider to BYU-Idaho or Ensign College. You will remain in the same degree program and continue to receive U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants. If you completed PathwayConnect, you will keep your reduced tuition rate, but you will no longer receive other tuition discounts provided by BYU-Pathway.

Students serviced by BYU-Idaho
Students who qualify for U.S. federal loans or Pell Grants will continue to receive it if they remain in a program serviced by BYU-Idaho.
Can I stay on my current degree program and graduation requirements?
Graduation requirements are determined by the degree catalog a student is assigned to. All students can remain on their current degree catalog if they choose. However, if a student chooses to transfer to a new degree catalog, they won’t be able to return to the old catalog.
Can I switch to a three-year degree later if I do not want to switch now?
Yes, students will be able to transfer to the three-year bachelor’s degrees at any time. However, we recommend students switch early to prevent them from taking courses that don’t meet the new graduation requirements.
Do these degrees have the same credentials as other degrees? Will graduate schools recognize them?
Yes, the new three-year bachelor’s degrees are offered by BYU-Idaho and Ensign College, institutions accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Graduate programs focus on the regional accreditation of bachelor's degrees, not the number of credits required in the degree.
As a new student, can I enroll in the 120-Credit program after 2024?
No, all programs provided by BYU-Pathway Worldwide will be the three-year (90-96 credit) bachelor’s degrees after 2024.