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How a Tutor Can Help You!

Tutors are here for you! See how a tutor can make a big difference in your course performance

A group of BYU-Pathway students at graduation
You will likely encounter challenging subjects — such as math and writing — at some point in your degree, and these can become even harder to understand when learning online. If you’ve ever found yourself grappling with equations or wrestling with how to start an essay, fear not — tutors are here for you!

Do I need a tutor?

Take advantage of these free resources available for you.

It’s never a bad idea to meet with a tutor. Regardless of how well you’re doing, tutoring can significantly improve your academic performance and confidence. Here are some indicators that you may need tutoring:

  • Wanting one-on-one help to better understand course materials
  • Math anxiety 1
    Math Anxiety is defined as “the panic, helplessness, paralysis, and mental disorganization that arises when is required to solve a mathematics problem.” Sheila Tobias, “Do I have Math Anxiety?,” Math Helps, BYU-Idaho, 2023
  • Writer’s block
  • Poor exam performance
  • Low grades

Tutors can provide a supportive environment to address your questions and concerns, help you improve skills, identify areas of improvement, and explain class materials.

How do I get a tutor?

BYU-Pathway has a tutoring guide to help you start. You can also use the Academic Support Center . These resources that BYU-Idaho offers are available to all PathwayConnect, BYU-Idaho, and Ensign College students.

Tutoring can be done through online chats for simple, short questions or video calls for longer tutoring sessions — whatever works best for you.

How do I get the most out of tutoring?

Here are five essential tips for your tutoring sessions:

tutoring 2
Choose which tutoring method works best for you.

  1. Come prepared: Review your assignment thoroughly before meeting with a tutor. Tutors are meant to assist you, not to do the work for you.
  2. Set a specific agenda: Write down the main concept(s) you’re struggling with so your tutor can focus on what will be most helpful for you.
  3. Ask the right questions: Be specific. Focus on understanding how to solve your problem, not just knowing the solution.

    Questions to ask:
    a. What approaches could I take to solve my problem?
    b. Could I run some of the ideas I brainstormed by you?
    c. How do I start this problem? Or, what’s the next step?

    Questions to avoid:
    a. What’s the right answer?
    c. Can you fix this for me? 
    c. How do I do this?

  4. Be honest: Openly communicate your level of understanding and any challenges you are facing. Tell your tutor what learning methods work best for you.
  5. Keep a positive attitude: Do your best not to get frustrated when you’re struggling with an assignment or not grasping a concept as quickly as you’d like. Meeting with a tutor shows the Lord you are trying. He and your tutor will help you as you put in the work.

How can a tutor help me?


One online degree-seeking student, Colleen Richards, decided to meet with a tutor after struggling with her Excel class. “I would show up to my Zoom appointment ready to quit,” she said. “My tutor was so calm and patient. He’d validate my feelings that it was hard. At the end of a session, my heart would be so full. I learned that I can do hard things.”

“When you are to a point where you have exhausted your other efforts, you have two options: quit or find help. I prayed every day to understand. There were times when my mind was enlightened, but I feel like God wants you to reach out for help. My tutor got me through that class, and I didn’t just get through it — I got an A.”

If you’re also feeling stuck on an assignment or course, contact a tutor today!