Hear 10 important lessons from BYU-Pathway students across the globe

Do your courses ever leave you feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Or have life circumstances started to take a toll on your well-being? You’re not alone! Check out this advice from BYU-Pathway Worldwide students who have been where you are and understand what you’re going through. Have hope and courage. Take it from them — you can do this!

“[We] know, no matter how hard it looks or how dark it gets, the Lord is 100% going to be there for you. We really and truly believe this program is deeply inspired. It blesses you in every way. You can do it!”
— Jeanette Hayes, USA

“Starting school with BYU-Pathway is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. Go ahead, strive daily, and do things with discipline. The blessings will come after the test of our faith!”
— Diego Rodriguez, Ecuador

“You are here for a reason. Take it seriously and do all you can because it will be alright.”
— Nicolas Pariente, Uruguay

“Anyone can do it. If I can, anyone can. You just have to get your priorities right. For me any time I put school above my family, the school work was hard. … As long as I put my family first, the gospel, and then my school work, everything else worked out.”
— Twyla Larman, USA

“Don’t you ever lose hope. Just hold on, and have faith in yourself. You can do it; you can finish it. You never know what’s really inside of you.”
— Leone Matavesi, Fiji

“Things might be challenging in the beginning, but believe me, they will surely get better. Go on with hope, courage, and faith. If you know who you are, and you know that the Savior loves you, and you know your goals … you will [be able to] move forward.”
—Malvin Kadzomba, South Africa

“Just remember that it might be hard, but it’s going to bless the rest of your life. You cannot go wrong by finishing it, and you cannot go wrong by participating. Every time someone asks me about BYU-Pathway, all I say is, ‘Do it!’”
—Valeria Hawkes, Brazil

“Know that something greater will come in the future if you continue.”
— Oliver Toledo, Guatemala

“Pray for everything. When a lesson was more difficult for me, I prayed to Heavenly Father that he would touch my mind with His finger, and … my mind lit up. It is a fantastic spiritual experience.”
— Angelo Melone, Italy
Remember, there are so many people cheering you on throughout your educational journey! Put your trust in the Lord and keep pushing forward. You will be blessed beyond measure for your diligence in gaining an education.