Ever struggle studying online? Learn to be productive in your courses with these tips
Do you love doing coursework online? Or did you choose it because it was your best option due to life circumstances? Regardless of what led you to decide to study online through BYU-Pathway Worldwide , you probably want to know how to make the most of it. There are a lot of incredible perks that come from going to school online, so here are four tips to help you stay motivated and productive!
1. Dedicate a study area
Wherever you choose to study, it’s important to dedicate a space for it. In many cases, there can be distractions from family or roommates that make it hard to focus. When you have a designated study space that others are aware of, you’ll experience less interruptions and be more productive.
Decluttering your study space and keeping it clean can help lessen distraction so you can focus better. Turning off notifications on your phone, computer, or tablet can also be helpful.
2. Create a study schedule
Consider establishing a fixed schedule for study so it can become a habit. To create a schedule, you could use a digital or physical calendar, a planner, or even a simple notepad. Write out your schedule and tasks for each day of the week, repeated every week, and follow through with your coursework and assignments.
As you organize, you will become familiar with your routine, which will help you start each day feeling productive and prepared.
3. Communicate with instructors
Connecting with your instructors can help you succeed as a student and feel more invested and motivated in your courses. You can do this by communicating with them regularly about assignments, exams, or study questions. Your instructors care about you and want to support you! Letting them know where you’re struggling will allow them to better help you.
4. Separate work and downtime
Separating your work and downtime can help you avoid burnout and stress, while also improving productivity.
When you are done with your assignments, make a clean break. Giving yourself time to relax and take a break from coursework is healthy and important. It will help you to come back refocused and to work more effectively. Elder Clark G. Gilbert, commissioner of the Church Educational System and former president of BYU-Pathway, encouraged, “You need time to relax, exercise, and stay healthy by stepping away from your studies.”Stay productive and motivated
As you follow these four tips, you’ll be surprised at how effective you will be with your online coursework. You’ll also experience less stress! By dedicating a space for studying, following a schedule, communicating with instructors, and giving yourself time to relax and recharge, you will stay productive and motivated.
What practices have helped you to be effective in your online coursework? Share in the comments!