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4 Tips to Create a Positive Mindset for Learning

When we look on the bright side, our goals seem more reachable

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Attitude is everything! It directs so much of how you feel and what you do. For example, do you notice your productivity tanking when you are in a bad mood? Or, do you have a hard time learning when you are stressed? Most, if not all, students have felt this way at some point during their education.

Try these four tips to turn your attitude around when you are struggling. Your positivity will grow and so will your ability to learn.

1. Say “I get to,” not “I have to”

If you find yourself thinking about all of the things you “have to do” for a difficult class, try adjusting your mindset! Instead think, “I get to study this interesting topic” or “This course is going to help me learn useful skills.” Remembering that education is a special opportunity and a gift can help improve your attitude.

student writing on sticky note
Write why you want or need a degree.

2. Write your “why,” and keep it visible

Each student’s educational journey is not without stumbling blocks. When school gets challenging, you may start to have a negative attitude and question your decision to gain an education. To avoid these feelings, take a moment and reflect on why you chose to pursue education in the first place.

Write down this reason, and review it often. By reviewing your “why,” you will be able to stay motivated and optimistic even when life gets difficult.

3. Recognize your strengths

It is much easier to be critical of yourself rather than forgiving. Being a student is hard work! Anytime you are learning something new, you are bound to fail a few times. That’s okay! Remember, you learn through failure.

God has blessed you with many talents and strengths. Strive to learn from your mistakes and improve on the talents He has given you. With His help, you will be able to learn difficult concepts and be successful.

mother and son in front of temple
We were created to have joy!

4. Choose joy

President Russell M. Nelson taught, “The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” 1
Russell M. Nelson, “Joy and Spiritual Survival,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016
Choosing to focus on things that have eternal significance — like Jesus Christ, the plan of salvation, the gospel, and your family — will bring lasting joy."
The scriptures tell us often to “be of good cheer” and “rejoice!” Remember the Lord said, “Men are that they might have joy.” 2 The purpose of your life is to find the joy the Lord promises. So, trust that the Lord will bless you to overcome your trials and achieve success.

Contributions by Cate Williamson