BYU-Pathway Worldwide and Self-Reliance Services Continue to Bring New Opportunities to European Students
In late May and early June, vice president of BYU-Idaho Online, Jon Linford, traveled throughout western Europe to introduce BYU-Pathway Worldwide’s online degree and certificate programs as a timely response to the educational needs of Church members in the area.
Linford met with local Self-Reliance Service managers to strategize how the BYU-Idaho curriculum offered through BYU-Pathway can become a powerful resource across Europe to provide Church members the skills needed to improve employment, particularly in sluggish economies.
Linford also met with the Area Presidency, PathwayConnect and Self-Reliance Services missionaries, seminary & institute personnel, Area Authority Seventies, and local priesthood leaders to explain the benefits of BYU-Pathway Worldwide.
“As I explained how BYU-Pathway prepares students for work, continued education through local options and online certificates and degrees, there was much enthusiasm and support from the Self-Reliance Services managers and local priesthood leaders,” Linford said.
The BYU-Idaho online degrees and certificates awarded through BYU-Pathway and the certificates and degrees awarded through BYU-Idaho have been a benefit to immigrants, non-traditional students, young single adults, andd to students seeking to improve their English as they meet other members, network and find support. Local priesthood leaders see BYU-Pathway as a tool to keep members active, strengthen stakes and improve local institute programs.
BYU-Pathway will continue to partner with Self-Reliance Services to bring broader career and academic options to students worldwide.
“Many areas of Europe have stalling economies, creating tremendous challenges to members of the Church,” Linford said. “In an effort to address these challenges head on, BYU-Pathway will soon be sending a team to work with Self-Reliance Services in conducting market research and outreach to local employers to identify and prepare students for meaningful employment opportunities.”