BYU-Pathway leaders and Self-Reliance Services held a Connections Conference for PathwayConnect and degree-seeking students in Brazil
More than 250 BYU-Pathway Worldwide students, Church-service missionaries, and local ecclesiastical leaders met on June 8 for a BYU-Pathway Connections Conference entitled “The Power of Education.” More than 1,000 others watched a portion of the event online through Facebook Live.

Those who attended the conference had the opportunity to hear from BYU-Pathway President Clark G. Gilbert, BYU-Pathway International Director Gene Hayes, and BYU-Pathway Area Manager Silvio Guimarães. The speakers shared principles that students can use to achieve their professional and personal potential.
Participants also had the opportunity to attend workshops led by high-level executives in Brazil. The workshop topics included “How to Market Your BYU-PathwayConnect Diploma,” “Interviewing Skills,” and “the Power and How To’s of Networking.”
Gene Hayes said “We have a lot of students in PathwayConnect, and I believe when you connect with the people and see people face-to-face we are able to learn what their needs are and what they need from a faraway institution.”
BYU-Pathway Worldwide has held similar conferences in Arizona and Mexico City, Mexico.
Participants at the BYU-Pathway Worldwide Connections Conference in Brazil.

View the Brazil Connections Conference live broadcast below: