Discover how the Rome Italy Temple’s construction is an example for how God has a perfect plan for you

These setbacks caused Bishop Caussé to ask, “Where is the Lord? Why doesn’t He come to help us?”
Despite these worried thoughts, the temple was completed, and Bishop Caussé was overwhelmed with gratitude as he gazed upon the finished temple.

Bishop Caussé then proceeded to inspect the temple to ensure there were no flaws. To his amazement, the temple was perfect. He marveled at this occurrence because usually there were imperfections. Remarkable events followed within the Church, such as the meeting between
Bishop Caussé pondered the path the temple had been on with all of its setbacks. “I suddenly realized that none of these events likely would have occurred if the temple dedication had taken place in prior years,” he said. “The Lord had a plan, and He had perfectly orchestrated every detail of the construction of His holy house — including its somewhat elongated construction schedule.”
Our perfect plan
There is a perfect plan for you, prepared in heaven, that is entirely devoted to your earthly and eternal success and happiness.
Similar to the temple, BYU-Pathway students may often experience setbacks and trials. When delays occur, many student may wonder (like Bishop Caussé), “Where is the Lord?”
During difficult times, especially as a student, it can be hard to believe that you will make it through your trials. Bishop Caussé offers comfort for those times with a reminder of the Lord’s plan for us: “I testify that there is a perfect plan for you, prepared in heaven, that is entirely devoted to your earthly and eternal success and happiness. The Lord is keenly aware of your efforts and desires.”
No one is exempt from challenges, but the plan Heavenly Father created for us can offer peace and knowledge that things will work out the way they’re supposed to.
Looking back on our journey

Just like the temple, when a trial is over, we can look back and see how much we’ve grown. Often, we will gain an understanding of why our trials had to occur. When we do this, we can see the blessings that come from our trials and be more equipped to handle them in the future.
While trusting the Lord can be difficult at times, it is possible and, in the end, gratifying. “If you remain faithful, you have the promise that your life’s work will lead to a perfect and glorious result,” said Bishop Caussé. “One day, you will look back at your earthly existence and, with tender feelings, recognize that the hand of the Lord has never failed you — that He was constantly assisting and guiding your steps. You will realize that obstacles, even setbacks, were there for a wise purpose that only He knew.”
The Lord is aware of us

Remember: We have a Father in Heaven who is mindful of us. The plan He has created for each of us is special and uniquely ours for an important purpose.
Bishop Caussé said, “If things don’t turn out the way you hoped or expected, keep going, live faithfully, and trust in the Lord’s promises. If you do this, I promise you that His hand will guide you, and you will find peace, joy, and ultimate success in your endeavors.”