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4 Ways the Savior Understands You

Learn how Jesus Christ can help you experience greater hope and joy in your education

Jesus Christ talking to a man.

All students experience a variety of challenges on their journey to a degree — disappointing grades, overwhelming assignments, financial setbacks, unemployment, or family challenges. Thankfully, when Jesus Christ atoned for the world He experienced every heartache and pain and set back so that He could understand you personally. Here are four ways He can help you during hard times.

1. He weeps with you

Jesus Christ talking to the woman with an issue of blood.
The Savior will always be there for you.
Elder Jeffery R. Holland taught, “Christ knows us. He has walked the thorny, difficult, rock-strewn path of our lives.” 1
Jeffery R. Holland, “The Savior Understands Me
The Savior understands every human experience you may have, from something as small as a paper cut from your stack of notes to the disappointment of receiving a low score on an exam. No matter how small the trial is, He understands and wants to help.
Because of the Savior’s sacrifice, when you experience challenges, you can receive comfort through the Atonement and know that the Savior understands all of your painful experiences. Reaching out to Him during these times will provide peace. Elder Quentin L. Cook said, “The Savior is the source of true peace. Even with the trials of life, because of the Savior’s Atonement and His grace, righteous living will be rewarded with personal peace.” 2
Quentin L. Cook, “Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2013, 36
Man sitting in a garden.
The Savior knows you personally.

2. He knows you

During your education, you might experience hardships and trials outside of school that impact your ability to focus. Ever feel stressed out or unmotivated? Take comfort that the Savior knows you personally. He understands your afflictions and can help lead you to triumph.

As you build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He will motivate you to keep moving forward. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “Our beloved Savior knows where you are. He knows your heart. He wants to rescue you. He will reach out to you. Just open your heart to Him.” 3
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Learn from Alma and Amulek,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 74

3. He offers you hope

You are not alone if you ever feel overwhelmed with assignments and exams, especially near the end of a term. During these stressful times, never forget the power Christ offers through His Atonement. Remembering His power provides hope and will help fuel you through difficult times.

The Savior knows your struggles and will listen to the prayers of your heart. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught, “Because Jesus walked such a long lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so.” 4
Jeffrey R. Holland, “None Were With Him,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2009, 88
You are never alone in your educational journey. Christ can be your personal tutor and guide when you come to Him.
Jesus Christ smiling.
The Prince of Peace

4. He loves you

As the closest friend and brother you could ever ask for, the Savior wants to have a personal connection with you. He understands your trials and wants to help you become stronger through them. As you reach out to the Savior, He will share His love with you and extend comfort and peace.