Elder Ronald A. Rasband explains why “things” is anything but a boring word

When Nephi referred to the “things of [his] soul,”there was a depth there that went beyond a vague reference. Elder Rasband expanded on the seven most important things we should believe in as disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Love God the Father and Jesus Christ, our Savior
- Love thy neighbor
- Love yourself
- Keep the commandments
- Always be worthy to attend the temple
- Be joyful and cheerful
- Follow God’s living prophet
Elder Rasband encouraged us to complete 8, 9, and 10 from our own experiences. We asked BYU-Pathway students from around the world, “How do you become a true disciple of Jesus Christ?” Here are some of their responses:

Edith Nkanta, Nigeria
8. Be committed in my service to my fellow men
9. Sing in the ward choir to uplift members
10. Attend sacrament meeting regularly

Sree Koonisetti, India
8. Live righteously
9. Gather family through family history research
10. Guide members as fellow followers of Jesus Christ

Miwa Bushnell, Japan
8. Always remember my true identity as a child of God
9. Know how our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ treasure us
10. Act upon what the Spirit of God tells me

Neirich Mieghakanda, Congo
8. Be charitable
9. Help those who stand in need of help
10. Be truthful, and treat everyone right
“The things of our souls are often clarified and deepened by asking questions,” taught Elder Rasband.