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3 Tips for a Daily Dose of General Conference

See how to keep the inspiration coming — even after general conference

A woman taking notes in a notebook

General conference always seems to come when we need it most. We replenish our spirits with inspiring messages that make us want to be and do better. We intend to apply the inspired counsel, but then … life happens. It can feel overwhelming, right? Here are three tips on how to continue feeling uplifted and inspired from general conference !

Share with a friend or family member

Reading scriptures
You can share with a friend in-person, on the phone, and online.

Each of us has a unique and personal perspective to offer. By sharing inspiration with someone else, you can learn things about yourself and what Heavenly Father wants you to learn. Here are some simple ways to share:

1. Read messages from general conference together, and share your thoughts and feelings.

2. Share what you want to improve on, and make plans to keep each other accountable.

3. Discuss how a specific message applies to your education and how following the speaker’s guidance can enhance your experience at BYU-Pathway.

Use conference messages throughout your day

Men talking
Share how conference messages relate to what you’re learning in life and school.

Reviewing the spiritual guidance in general conference messages can help set the tone for your day. Consider these methods to include them daily:

1. Listen to conference messages in the morning when you are preparing for your day, commuting to work, and/or enjoying some free time.

2. Share a quote from a conference message in your weekly gathering or course discussions that relates to what you’re learning in school.

3. Take a moment to reflect on how you are feeling. What is the Spirit telling you? This can be done during your personal prayers or scripture study, or even while eating a meal or going to work.

Seek continued revelation

Pray for continued guidance.

Praying and studying are great ways to receive personal revelation, stay connected to God, and reignite the inspiration you felt during general conference. These are ideal times for reflection and self-improvement.

1. Use the Gospel Library app to read, listen to, and/or take notes on a conference message that grabs your attention. (You can print it too!)

2. Create a calendar for reading or listening to the messages between now and the next conference (typically the first weekend of every April and October).

3. Note what you’ve learned, how you’ve grown, and what you’d like to continue working on in your journal.

4. Ask Heavenly Father for guidance on how to apply the messages in your life.

When we take the counsel of our prophet, apostles, and Church leaders, we can feel closer to Heavenly Father and feel His love. Consider using these tips to keep the inspiration coming after this next general conference.

How has general conference inspired you?