Learn simple ways to better understand the importance of time management, setting goals, taking notes, and scripture study
The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.
The life of a student can be difficult, especially when having to balance various other responsibilities. To help you feel more successful and productive during your time in PathwayConnect and beyond, check out these four simple topics that can make a huge difference in your personal productivity.
Managing Time
Decide what your priorities are
Take 15-30 minutes every morning or the night before to decide what needs to be accomplished that day. Set time limits for each activity to avoid spending too much time on any single task.
Identify your most productive times of day
Each person’s schedule is different and unique. Are you an early riser or a night owl? Do you work, take care of kids, or have other major responsibilities? When are your best times to study uninterrupted? Based on your personal schedule, determine the times of day you are most productive, and prioritize your tasks during those times.
Don’t overbook yourself
There is only so much time in a day. Don’t over-schedule yourself. This can lead to feelings of defeat when too many “to-dos” are left undone.
Don’t be afraid to say “no”
No one knows your schedule better than you. If you know that an extra task or favor is simply not possible, don’t do it. Look for another time that would work for you, or delegate the job to someone else.
Get a good night’s sleep
As Benjamin Franklin once observed, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Be sure you get enough sleep to have the necessary energy to accomplish everything on your busy schedule.
Elder M. Russell Ballard reminds us that we still have to cope “with the complex and diverse challenges of everyday life.”
Setting Goals
Setting goals is something you will do throughout your entire life. Elder M. Russell Ballard said, “I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don’t set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential.”These tips will help you when setting and working toward your goals:
Write down your goalsWriting down your goals will make you decide what you really want and clarify any details. In doing so, you have a constant reminder to take action. This can also help you realize the progress you have made. Review your goals often and check them off as you complete them. Reward yourself when you accomplish difficult tasks.
Productivity studies show that most people can’t focus on more than 5-7 items at any one time, so make sure you stick with just a few goals before adding any more.
Realize the side effects and stress that come from procrastinating. Use your time management tips to set time limits to accomplish your goals. This will eliminate stress and help you feel the rewards that come from holding yourself accountable to finish your tasks on time.
Elder Russell M. Nelson said that “often the lack of clear direction and goals can waste away our time and energy and contribute to imbalance in our lives.”
Consider using the acronym S.M.A.R.T. to help you remember how easy goal-setting can be.
- Be SPECIFIC. State all the details of exactly what you want to accomplish.
- Have a MEASURABLE goal. How will you evaluate the extent to which the goal has been met?
- Set something ACHIEVABLE. Challenge yourself within your ability to achieve the outcome. Making an impossible goal is not productive.
- Make sure your goal is REALISTIC so that you can complete it without having to go to extreme lengths.
- Give yourself a TIME LIMIT. Set a target date to have a successful and timely completion.
Note Taking
Taking notes can be extremely helpful when done the right way. What you record while learning new material and concepts can save you precious time when reviewing. If you’ve taken PathwayConnect Life Skills, you should be familiar with the Cornell note-taking system. Continue reading for more tips on effective note-taking.
Start with a positive attitude
When you are in a good mood, you are more likely to pay attention and notice the most important concepts in each lesson. A positive attitude can help you better appreciate the importance of the material.
Be prepared
Have a paper and a pen ready to use at the start of each lesson. You may also consider using a voice recorder so that you can quickly state any thoughts that come to mind. Don’t do online coursework or attend gatherings without the materials you need to be most effective.
Stay organized
Start each notes section with a date and title so when you go back to reference something, you’ll quickly find what you’re looking for. Use only one side of the paper so you can lay out notes side by side when studying. Consider leaving space to write additional notes later on in case you remember or learn something new.
According to Cornell University’s Learning Strategies Center director, Walter Pauk, we forget 47 percent of what we learned just 20 minutes after learning it.
Scripture & Gospel Study
Prophets and apostles have always counseled us to learn and gain more knowledge, both academically and spiritually. It is important to not lose our dedication to the scriptures because of our dedication to education. Set aside time daily to read your scriptures and attend your weekly Church meetings. The Spirit is the best teacher, so involve Him in your life. Having a personal relationship with the Lord will help you learn through the Spirit during your studies.