And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.
MOSES 7:18
BYU-Pathway can provide higher education that will help our students get out of spiritual and temporal poverty in nearly every place that the Church is organized. Those students in turn can help others to become self-reliant until there are no poor among us."

— Brian K. Ashton, BYU-Pathway Worldwide
Temporal Self-reliance
Andrés Felipe Gómez Guerra’s desire to better provide for his family and have greater financial freedom led him to enroll in BYU-Pathway. Since finishing his foundational courses and an administrative assistant certificate, Andres has found a better job and is spending more time with his loved ones. He currently earns more than eight times what he was making seven years ago!
I know with all my heart that BYU-Pathway has been inspired by God to bless the lives of all His children who need and want a high-quality education but who, due to economic and time challenges, cannot obtain it in their countries.
Spiritual Growth
André Santos learned about Jesus Christ and His gospel through BYU-Pathway, grew in knowledge and faith, and is now better able to serve and provide for his family. After learning English and gaining marketable skills, André was able to get a new job and improve his income.
I can better support my family when I follow the principles of Jesus Christ, when I serve well in my Church calling, and when I can be a good professional in my job by applying all the new things I learned in BYU-Pathway.
BYU-Pathway seeks to provide education as an essential part of Heavenly Father’s loving plan — and the way out of poverty. BYU-Pathway’s scholarships help students to lift themselves and others temporally and spiritually. Faith Numusoke received a scholarship, allowing her to continue school while supporting her four children.
This low tuition is enabling me to acquire an education and better myself and also be in a position to help others.
New and Noteworthy in 2022

New president inaugurated
Brian K. Ashton was inaugurated as the second president of BYU-Pathway Worldwide on March 10, 2022.
EnglishConnect for Missionaries
In partnership with the Missionary Department, EnglishConnect for Missionaries provides English language learning opportunities to more than 20,000 young, full-time missionaries each year.

Africa Central Area growth
The number of BYU-Pathway students in the Africa Central Area has grown from 379 students in 2019 to 1,828 in 2022, as more friends of the Church are invited to participate.

Facilitating career development
BYU-Pathway began partnering with third-party staffing companies to connect its students with job opportunities.
Peer Mentoring
BYU-Pathway is utilizing students as peer mentors to provide more personal support.

100% of students qualify for a scholarship

Peer mentors scaled from five to 501, meaning mentors now operate 1:1, and every student gets a mentor.