Acceptance Requirements

Academic Requirements

The following are the minimum requirements for acceptance into online degree programs from BYU-Idaho and Ensign College, which are supported and serviced by BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Students who do not meet these requirements may consider enrolling in BYU-Pathway's PathwayConnect, which can satisfy the academic requirements to enroll in a degree program.

New Freshman and transfers with fewer than 24 transfer credits

  • Minimum High School GPA: 2.0

Transfer Students with 24 or more credits graded (including "F" grades and "pass/fail" grades)

  • Minimum college GPA: 2.0

Former Students

  • Minimum BYU-Idaho or Ensign College GPA of 2.0

BYU-Pathway Worldwide PathwayConnect Students Applying to either Online or On-campus

  • Minimum PathwayConnect GPA of 3.0

English Requirements

If English is your second language, you must meet the following English Proficiency Requirements (TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE). This does not apply to students who have completed BYU-Pathway's PathwayConnect, or who have earned 15+ credits at BYU, BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii, or LDS Business College/Ensign College.

If you do not meet minimum English requirements, consider enrolling in EnglishConnect.

Required scores on proficiency tests:

Subject Area/TestTOEFLIELTSPTECambridge C1 & C2

Send official English proficiency exam scores to CES Admission Services; B-226 ASB; Provo, UT 84602

For more information about the English test options, click
The TOEFL iBT is the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-based test (iBT). The TOEFL exam is administered by the Educational Testing Service numerous times each year throughout the world. For more information about testing centers, access the TOEFL Web site.

The IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. The IELTS is administered numerous times each year throughout the world. For more information about testing times and locations, visit the IELTS page.

The PTE is the Pearsons Test of English. Applicants who choose to take this exam must take the PTE Academic Exam, not just the Pearsons Test of English. You may obtain more information on the Pearson page.

Cambridge English Test
Cambridge English Test, a product of the IELTS company. Read more information on the C1: Advanced test or the C2: Proficiency exam. Please note that we will only accept scores from either the C1 Advanced test or the C2 Proficiency Test.

English Language Help
If English proficiency test requirements are not met, students are encouraged to increase their skills and retest. To learn more about the TOEFL exam, please visit

Other Requirements

The following requirements also apply to students desiring admission to online degree programs from BYU-Idaho and Ensign College, supported and serviced by BYU-Pathway Worldwide.

  • Endorsement: Students must meet minimum standards of worthiness as verified by an endorsement from a local bishop/branch president and stake/district president.
  • Tuition: All tuition balances must be fully paid at any school previously attended
  • Crime: Any previous criminal activity must be fully resolved. (Depending upon the severity of the crime, admittance to online degree programs may still be denied even after all legal obligations have been resolved.)