A student's personal insights on the steps of the BYU-Idaho Learning Model

This is part two of a three part series regarding the Learning Model. Part one discusses the first part of the Learning Model —
To learn more about the Learning Model, check out “
The BYU-Idaho Learning Model brings a proactive and positive approach to learning. The three step process includes:
- Prepare
- Teach One Another
- Ponder and Prove
Let’s take a look at the second step of the Learning Model: Teach One Another.
Teach One Another
“And I give unto you a commandment that you shall teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom.”As members of the Church, we are commanded and expected to teach one another the gospel and academic principles. When you take the time to prepare yourself, teaching others can become second nature to you.
Education provides these opportunities to seek learning by study and faith, and students of BYU-Pathway Worldwide have the opportunity and responsibility in gatherings and on discussions boards to help others seek this learning for themselves.

My Personal Insights
When I think back on times when I participated in seminary, institute, and even secular classes, many of the principles and insights that touched me most were the thoughts and discussions among my classmates. This showed me that Heavenly Father uses the people in my life to help me grow into the individual He needs me to become — He will use people in your life to do the same for you, and you can be that person for someone else.
One of my favorite scriptures about teaching one another can be found in
Our Father in Heaven wants us to learn and grow spiritually, academically, and socially. That is why we were sent here, and it is our responsibility to learn as much as we can while we are here on this Earth. I have personally found that the best way to learn and come closer to the person God would have me be is through interacting with His children.

Make It Personal
Sharing your thoughts with those in your gatherings and online discussion boards can help you better understand truths for yourself. Give yourself opportunities to practice sharing and do so with the Spirit. Here are some examples of how you can apply teaching one another into your daily and educational life.
Take advantage of the opportunity to practice teaching one another
Apply this by practicing with a classmate, family member, or friend. Practicing your teaching techniques with someone you are comfortable with can help you build the confidence to share your insights in the classroom or on the discussion boards.
Pray for the courage to share
Ask Heavenly Father to help you find the courage to share your strengths and understandings with those in your family, classroom, or social circle.
Prepare to share
Think about something within the homework that you would like to learn more about. Take time to research and study the topic and prepare to share it with those in your gathering or online discussion boards.
To learn more about teaching one another and how you can better prepare yourself for your PathwayConnect gatherings, watch or read “
Stay tuned for part three
To learn more about the courses and curriculum in PathwayConnect, visit the