
4.2 PathwayConnect Groups

A group is a collection of PathwayConnect students at a site who gather together weekly.

PathwayConnect students are assigned to a group type when they are admitted to the program. Group types may be combined as needed (see 4.2.5 Combining Groups). PathwayConnect’s group types are as follows:

Standard Version

  • Age 18–30 Group
  • Age 31+ (age 31 and over) Group

L Version

  • Age 18–30 group
  • Age 31+ (age 31 and over) Group

See 1.4.3 PathwayConnect Version & Group Types

PathwayConnect group size plays a key role in the overall student experience. The recommended group size is between 20–35 students. The maximum number of students recommended for optimal learning is 40. When enrollment exceeds 40 students, the group should be split and additional service missionaries called to facilitate the additional group.

In order to start a new group, a minimum number of individuals must apply. In areas where the minimum is not reached by the application deadline, students may apply again in the future or apply to attend another nearby site (if one exists).

PathwayConnect gatherings take place weekly. (see 5.0 Gatherings). Each group type may meet in separate locations (if needed or required), but such locations should be in close proximity to the other group types. Gathering locations are typically determined by local priesthood leaders and BYU-Pathway Worldwide when a site is initially launched. The following are recommended gathering locations for each group type:

Age 18–30 groups: Gather at an institute facility (where one exists); or a meetinghouse/stake center

Age 31+ groups: Gather at a meetinghouse/stake center

Gathering locations should be established in central locations that can serve a wide radius of stakes. They also must have a high-speed Internet connection and be available to PathwayConnect students during the BYU-Idaho academic year (September–July).

If a gathering location exceeds its capacity and cannot accommodate all students who desire to participate, an overflow location may be requested. Overflow location requests must be approved by the agent stake president and a BYU-Pathway area manager or director.

Overflow gatherings should be located in the next closest Church facility to the primary gathering place. Decisions and commitments regarding additional gathering places should not be made until approval is provided by BYU-Pathway Worldwide in writing.

L students may be combined with standard students as needed or desired. This means they can participate in academic gatherings with standard students. However, because L students do not take BYU-Idaho religion courses, they need to take credit-bearing institute courses wherever possible. This means grouping them with domestic Standard age 31 and over students can be problematic if those Standard students are enrolled in a BYU-Idaho religion course. The following are the best scenarios, listed in order of preference, for grouping L and Standard students together

  1. Group L students with Standard students who are taking credit-bearing institute courses. Everyone attends credit-bearing institute courses for their religion gathering.
  2. Group L students with Standard students for the academic gathering. Split the groups when it is time for the religion gathering. The L students attend a credit-bearing institute courses for their religion gathering. The Standard students take a BYU-Idaho religion course for their religion gathering.
  3. Do the same as #2 above, but dismiss the L students during the religion gathering. The L students do not have access to credit-bearing institute courses.

When combining students from different versions, missionaries should notify their BYU-Pathway area manager.