9.1 Honor Code
PathwayConnect students do not complete an ecclesiastical endorsement as part of their participation in the program. Students are encouraged to live the CES Honor Code as a matter of principle and to prepare them if they choose to later continue to an online degree program from BYU-Idaho, supported by BYU-Pathway, where they will be required to live the BYU-Idaho Honor Code. Additionally, principles of academic integrity are strictly enforced.
Students who violate BYU-Pathway Worldwide policy or procedures (including, but not limited to, behavioral misconduct, abuse of administrative processes, inappropriate classroom behavior, intimidation, threats, violence, or other inappropriate actions at a gathering), in public or online, may be required to leave the program or the gathering when their misconduct significantly and adversely impacts the program’s ability to perform its mission or disrupts the general environment BYU-Pathway is striving to achieve.
In cases of disruption involving a student with disabilities, the disability will be duly considered, but minimum standards of conduct will be required. This policy will make a determination based upon an individual’s behavior rather than upon the individual’s status of having a disability.
When it is determined that an individual is involved in significant disruptive behavior, the student will receive an appropriate sanction, including but not limited to, counsel and education, warning, probation, suspension, or dismissal from PathwayConnect. Referral for criminal prosecution will be made when warranted.
All forms of harassment (verbal, physical, mental, or sexual), hazing, intimidation, exploitation, or aggressive behavior that threaten or endanger the physical or emotional health and safety of others is prohibited. Any such behavior, including poking, hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, and using profane or abusive language will not be tolerated. Participants behaving in such way are subject to BYU-Pathway disciplinary action including suspension and/or dismissal from PathwayConnect, as well as referral to law enforcement. Students who encounter these types of behavior with another student or missionary should contact BYU-Pathway Support.
Sexual misconduct is defined as any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct of a student or missionary may include denying or limiting the student’s or missionary’s ability to participate in or receive benefits, services, or opportunities in BYU-Pathway Worldwide. The policy against sexual misconduct extends to BYU-Pathway employees, missionaries, and students. If any of these parties encounter sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination, or if they need assistance or information related to allegations of sexual harassment, they should contact BYU-Pathway Support.
Intentional plagiarism is the deliberate act of representing the words, ideas, or data of another as one’s own without providing proper attribution to the original author through quotation, reference, or footnote.
Inadvertent plagiarism involves the inappropriate, but non-deliberate, use of another’s words, ideas, or data without proper attribution. It is a form of academic misconduct for which an instructor can impose appropriate academic sanctions. Students who are in doubt as to whether they are providing proper attribution have the responsibility to consult with their instructor and obtain guidance.
Plagiarism may occur with respect to unpublished as well as published material. Examples include:
- Direct plagiarism: the verbatim copying of an original source without acknowledging the source.
- Paraphrased plagiarism: the paraphrasing of ideas from another without attribution, causing a reader to mistake these ideas for the writer’s own.
- Plagiarism mosaic: the borrowing of words, ideas, or data from an original source and blending this original material with one’s own writing, without acknowledging the source.
- Insufficient acknowledgment: the partial or incomplete attribution of words, ideas, or data from an original source.
Fabrication or falsification occurs when a person invents or distorts the origin or content of information used as authority. Examples include:
- Citing a source that does not exist
- Citing ideas or information from a source that does not actually support those ideas or include that information
- Citing a bibliography source when it was neither consulted nor cited in the body of the paper
- Intentionally distorting the meaning or applicability of data
- Inventing data or statistical results to support conclusions
A student cheats when he or she attempts to give the appearance of a level of knowledge or skill that has not been obtained. Examples include:
- Copying from another person’s work during an examination or while completing an assignment
- Allowing someone to copy work that is not his or her own during an examination or while completing an assignment
- Using unauthorized materials during an examination or while completing an assignment
- Collaborating on an examination or assignment without authorization
- Taking an examination or completing an assignment for another person
- Permitting another person to take an examination or to complete an assignment that is not his or her own
Other academic misconduct includes other academically dishonest, deceitful, or inappropriate acts which are intentionally committed. Examples include:
- Inappropriately providing or receiving information or academic work so as to gain unfair advantage over others
- Planning with another to commit any act of academic dishonesty
- Attempting to gain an unfair academic advantage for oneself or another by bribery or by any act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to another for such purpose
- Changing or altering grades or other official educational records
- Obtaining or providing to another a test or answers to a test that has not been administered
- Breaking and entering into a building or office for the purpose of obtaining unauthorized materials
- Continuing work on an examination or assignment after the allocated time has elapsed
- Submitting the same work for more than one class without disclosure and approval
- Getting equal credit on group assignments when equal work was not done