
11.2 PATH

PATH is the foundation system for BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Students, service missionaries, and BYU-Pathway Worldwide administration can access PATH by going to, signing in with a Church Account, and then selecting “PATH Admin Tools.”

Once students are signed in at, they can view their application status, access their courses, pay tuition, order transcripts, view missionary contact information, and more.

Once missionaries are signed in at, they can track new student applications; view current student academic progress; and access training, policies, and other resources.

Site Manager

The Site Manager is a comprehensive resource where missionaries can track new student applications, manage groups, access student personal and academic information, generate reports, and post site-based announcements.


Through the PATH “Trainings” link, missionaries will access the Missionary Training course as well as the Missionary Information Security Training (MIST), which is required of all missionaries at the beginning of their service in BYU-Pathway.